Tuesday, August 07, 2007

A joker answered the phone when I called the Traffic Police

This is a real life conversation that I had a couple of months back, when I was still naive enough to think that the traffic police were serious about their jobs. The reason I called was to complain about how people were making illegal U-turns near the Jabatan Hasil building. Perhaps your parents are guilty of it too.

For those of you who are interested in knowing exactly where this is, visualise this:

You're at the junction that's presently all kelam-kabut on Jalan Tambun. If you go straight --- twelve o'clock --- you'll head straight into Tambun. Now, you'll first pass the Pantai Hospital, then the Jabatan Hasil building (that's the building that taxes your parents' hard-earned money). And as you go further, you'll see a bunch of cars lining up on your right, waiting to U-turn. Now, that's illegal because the actual U-turn is further down, near the Caltex petrol station. But people don't care. They're probably saying, aiya, go so far, for what? Here oso can turn what. Ne'er mind one...

Ne'er mind one? Well, allow me to enlighten you.

For the simple reason that people who are coming from the opposite direction do not feel like killing you when you suddenly swerve into their lane, illegally.

So this is what went on when I called the Traffic Police Department to make a complaint:

earthquakeduck: Er, hello? Polis Trafik?
Mr Comedian: Ah ye, slamat petang, polis trafik ipoh...
earthquakeduck: ah slamat petang. saya nak buat komplen la...
Mr Comedian: Ah, apa komplen nye?
earthquakeduck: Hampir dengan Hospital Pantai, kan ada satu U-turn...
Mr Comedian: Kat mane nih?
earthquakeduck: Kalo pegi karah Tambun, blah kanan la...
Mr Comedian: Oh, U-turn tu...
earthquakeduck: Sebenarnya, U-turn ya sebenarnya dekat Caltex...
Mr Comedian: Ah, kami memang tau tempat tu...
earthquakeduck: Ah, teruk la...bahaya lagi...keta tu semua gile-gile...!
Mr Comedian: Ah, yang mati pun ade...
earthquakeduck: !
Mr Comedian: Ha, tapi apa yang kita bole buat? Kita memang tak bole kat sane 24 jam...kalo meka mati, kita hanto ke hospital, kalo kita nampak, kita beri saman...
earthquakeduck: !!
Mr Comedian: Ha, trima kasih kerana membritau kami...thankyoobye...

Well, World Taekwondo Federation, right?


SaraAmelia said...

very martial arts!! I mean, i agree with the WTF..

Wang Jun Lem said...

Why The Frown? They sure are good at doing their jobs. I wonder why the government even mentioned about giving a raise. D:

earthquakeduck said...

well, i think We're The Fools.