Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ah Longs Should Go For English Tuition Too

I can understand "HAWRKER LOAN" because it's a typo, but what in the world is a



i saw this car when i was waiting at the traffic lights several weeks ago. now why would someone stick the word "FAG" on the back of their car?

flying shards of broken glass

i know that self-praise is no praise, but i got a round of applause from the entire class for the above drawing. one of the students, who studies in sam tet, told me that one of their teachers was using a ruler to smack the teacher's desk repeatedly when all of a sudden, a window pane shattered, sending shards of broken glass flying. the teacher ended up with a cut on his hand, so serves him right or die say, as they say in cantonese. and lucky for him he wasn't cut elsewhere, the way it's depicted above.

Friday, February 13, 2009

vanity thy name is earthquakeduck

i took a picture of myself yesterday. you think i'm sexy? (*vomits)

lucky koala

now that's what you call a lucky koala. it would be a completely different story if that same koala were in a bushfire in malaysia. the reason is simple. if a malaysian fire-fighter found a koala in one of our jungles, i don't think he would give it a drink.

he would make some KOALA PANGGANG.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

tagged: some random things, habits and goals about me

i've been tagged by CKW, how nice! okay, so here goes the "sixteen random things, habits or goals" about me:

1. "i hate bad service at cafés and restaurants. actually i hate bad service anywhere!"

2. "i especially enjoy teaching students who are diligent, no matter how bad their english is."

3. "i love taking pictures."

4. "it makes me sad when i think how imperfect this world is."

5. "i'm actually a very lazy person, just like most people."

6. "i used to want to be famous, but i think i've changed my mind."

7. "i love my job."

8. "i suck at karaoke, because i think i sound terrible with a microphone."

9. "i wish i could play a musical instrument."

10. "it makes me happy when i hear people say this about me: 'he's an excellent teacher if you're a hardworking student.'

11. movies can make me cry.

12. i prefer quality to quantity.

13. i think greed is one of the biggest cause of unhappiness.

14. when i was about 13 or 14, i dreamt of becoming a fashion designer.

15. hahaha, i am not gay, though i can act very well like i am.

16. i can be very foul-mouthed.

17. i do not feel like my age, and i surely do not act my age.

oops, that was supposed to be 16 things, but i've overshot by one. i'll leave it. sadly i do not have five people to tag, so i'll just tag

karmen and sara.

there's someone else that i want to tag, but i think he wants to keep his blog a secret. well, you know who you are, kung-fu boy!

post-vacation blues

well, what do you know, the chinese new year holidays are over, and even thaipusam is last week's news. i hope you've spent your holidays productively. i know i did.

i got back from kl with two more be@rbricks, and lucky me, one of them is a "chase" figure which is supposedly "unannounced and not shown in advertisements or on the box alongside other figures in the series" and "most valued by collectors." funny thing is, i had no idea that the head can be detached until i did a search on google and found this ebay link. well, even though it's going for US23.95, it's not exactly a windfall. here's a picture of my three be@rbricks:

i have to admit that's these things are pretty addictive. i had the impulse of buying every one of them just to find out what's in those "blind boxes." but until we visit kl again or my brother comes back for a visit, i'll have to wait...patiently.

i plan to post more regularly this year, so watch this space, or subscribe to this blog.