Friday, March 21, 2008

kid with the world map in her head

need i say more?

Friday, March 14, 2008

"John and the Unfortunate Incident with the Iron Rod"

EDIT: people, the poor guy in the above drawing is NOT mr yap! it's supposed to be a student named john, hence the title of this post.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

i em till tick

teet tpetial poth. i try tpeak vietnameet hier. can you try get the meening op the tie-tel? it meen "I EM TILL TICK." tit bee-cot i thaw dokter that dei, he gip me throng med-sehn, TOO THRONG!!! i feel toopeed apter i teik med-sehn! rite in vietnameet it dippikelt...tho i thop hier...hep a good wee-can...