Saturday, November 26, 2011

Cheap Airline

"Type of service, sir?"
"What kinds do you offer?"
"Well there's three. Full service, no service and bad service."
"What's the difference?"
"Full service is two hundred dollars additional."
"What about no service?"
"No service is complimentary."
"And bad service?"
"You get a 20% rebate."
"That's interesting. What does bad service include?"
"Basically, the stewardesses treat you matter."
"So which service would you prefer, sir?"
"I'll take the bad service."
"Okay, that's done."
"Is there any way to make the ticket even cheaper?"
"Well, you can, by downgrading your options."
"That's good. What are the default options?"
"You've taken out service, so that leaves you with the in-flight movie, radio stations, headphones, blanket, beverages, food and baggage space."
"I would liked to have all those options removed."
"Are you sure, sir?"
"Yes, I'm positive. I can deal with the movie and radio stations with my portable sight and sound device, headphones included. I won't need a blanket because I can bring my own..."
"There's an additional charge for that sir."
"You mean you there's a surcharge for bringing your own blanket?"
"That's correct sir."
"How much?"
"A dollar for a standard blanket. Extra for blankets with a higher thread count."
"What's the scale?"
"Five dollars for a blanket with a thread count between 200 and 400. For blankets with a thread count exceeding 400, the surcharge is ten dollars. So what's the thread count of your blanket sir?"
"It's just a regular blanket bought from a pasar malam."
"I'll make a tentative five dollar surcharge for now sir."
"Well, in the event that the stewardess responsible for blankets find that your blanket exceeds the declared thread count, the surcharge amount will be amended accordingly."
"Now, for the rest of the options which you have opted out. Beverages, food and baggage space. I would like to confirm that you want these options removed as well?"
"Yes. And what is the surcharge for each?"
"There's no surcharge for those sir."
"Good. Now are there any more options which I can opt out of?"
"There is one, but the airline strongly recommends that you retain it."
"Well, I can still choose not to have it if I want to, am I correct?"
"That's correct, sir."
"What is the option?"
"The washroom usage option."
"How much off if I opt out?"
"Another 30%, sir."
"That's awesome!"
"So, I confirm the removal of the washroom usage option."
"Yes, off with it!"
"Just out of curiosity sir, how do you plan to deal with not using the washroom throughout your flight to Toronto? The flight takes more than twenty hours."
"Well, where there's a will, there's a way."
"I'm afraid I don't understand, sir."
"Plastic bags and styrofoam boxes."
"I take it that everything is in order? Is there anything you missed?"
"Everything looks...hold on...there's something here that might be of interest to you sir."
"What is it?"
"It's stated here that during the Your Airline Greens the Environment campaign period, any passenger who opts out of the washroom usage option is eligible for a further 15% discount if said passenger surrenders their excretory waste, whether in liquid, solid and/or semi-solid forms at the end of his or her flight."

Saturday, May 28, 2011


"This invention of mine will revolutionise our civilisation and change the way we live in the most profound ways."
"What's it called?"
"The iNoWorry."
"That sounds pretty cool. What does it do?"
"It helps us to stop worrying."
"Oh really? How does it work?"
"The user plugs in these earphones. Actually, they're not really earphones. I mean, they can work as earphones, but their main function is to capture the user's brainwaves. The brainwaves are then transmitted into the device and analysed for signs of stress and anxiety."
"So far so good. What happens after that?"
"If the brainwaves show traces of stress or anxiety, the device will ensure that any worrying thoughts will materialise and come true."
"Wait. So, what you're saying here is that this device will make our negative thoughts come true?
"That's crazy! Who in his right mind would want this???"
"I understand your concern. But hear me out. The device will make the negative thoughts come true only when negative thoughts are present in the user's mind. Which means..."
" negative thoughts will come true if there are no negative thoughts in the user's mind to begin with."
"Does the device work on positive thoughts too?"
"You mean if it can realize positive thoughts?"
"Give me some time. Perhaps in the iNoWorry 2."

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Her name tag said, "Hi my name is Sarah."

I'm a regular at the food and beverage establishment where she worked and I've observed her for some time now. She wasn't bad-looking; her hair looked healthy, her teeth weren't crooked and she had big, round eyes. Based on my observation thus far, she had spilled a total of five drinks, knocked into my chair thrice and dropped my change twice. One day, I decided to engage her in conversation.

"Sarah, right?"
"You're pretty..."
"I haven't finished."
"I'm sorry?"
"You're pretty...clumsy."

Monday, March 28, 2011

for those who are interested in bugs and assorted creepy crawlies

What's That Bug? is a site which I discovered while trying to identify the following insect which I photographed:

If you're keen on Entomology, do check it out.

I'm blogging again, so the funny posts will be coming soon. Whoo-hoo!