Sunday, May 22, 2011


Her name tag said, "Hi my name is Sarah."

I'm a regular at the food and beverage establishment where she worked and I've observed her for some time now. She wasn't bad-looking; her hair looked healthy, her teeth weren't crooked and she had big, round eyes. Based on my observation thus far, she had spilled a total of five drinks, knocked into my chair thrice and dropped my change twice. One day, I decided to engage her in conversation.

"Sarah, right?"
"You're pretty..."
"I haven't finished."
"I'm sorry?"
"You're pretty...clumsy."


Kato said...

What was her expression when you told her that?

earthquakeduck said...

do not believe everything you read, kato-kun!

Kato said...

LOL... What is your purpose of writing it if it isn't real?

earthquakeduck said...

I assume you're asking a rhetorical question.

So I'll answer with another rhetorical question:

Does the content of a text need to be real in order to be written?
