Thursday, August 23, 2007


Once upon a time, in an asteroid belt far, far away, there existed a country called The Republic of Walagodink & Walagodonk. Everything was fine and dandy in this fine land until one day, one of its denizens, who was named "Myvi", decided to compose a lap song called "Walagodinkdonkuku." See, a lap song is a kind of song unique to the zeitgeist of that time and the spirit of a lap song lay in its potential to make certain people uncomfortable. In a sense, a lap song is almost like a lock song, but then the latter is noisier, so most people couldn't really tell what they lyrics were. But in lap song, you could always hear what was being sung, loud and clear.

Anyway, after this naughty denizen of Walagodink & Walagodonk had composed the lap song, he decided to upload it onto the Netnet, which was something like the Internet, but faster by about a trillion times. They had only one Internet service provider as well, and the company was called SuxNet. Within the span of less than six months, the said lap song became an underground hit. Most people thought it was a very creative effort, and even more people that thought that it was very funny. "Walagodinkdonkuku" became so popular that even grandmothers hummed the tune while they were shopping for sexy lingerie in the bazaars. Such was the power of lap. However, unbeknownst to most, trouble was brewing in the horizon.

See, The Republic of Walagodink & Walagodonk was controlled by a group of people called The Giddyupidiots and the Matterfeathers, and they would fuss and fight day and night. Sadly, only a handful of denizens knew about this internal strife and power struggle. Myvi was one of those who knew, which was the reason why he decided to compose the lap song and upload it onto the Netnet. And one day, the Giddyupidiots and the Matterfeathers got wind of the "Walagodinkdonkuku" video and as they watched it, they became so enraged that some of them bit off their own walahaha and walahuhu.

The Giddyupidiots and the Matterfeathers failed to see the error of their ways although to a large extent, the lyrics in "Walagodinkdonkuku" spoke the truth. Perhaps they were too drunk with power to see the point, or perhaps they simply refused to be criticised, but whatever reason it was, a death warrant was issued and served on Myvi, who was on holiday in Lilliput and Blefuscu at that time. At one point, Myvi truly feared for his death and made an apology to the powers that be. Although the ever-foolish Giddyupidiots and Matterfeathers accepted his apology, they maintained that if arrested, Myvi would still be sentenced to Unga-Unga, which was death by multiple forced penetrations of the rectum administered by feral Negroes. However, as fate would have it, the once-glorious republic of Walagodink & Walagodonk was destroyed by a huge mother of an asteroid on the eve of the new millennium. Rumour has it that Myvi lived to the ripe age of 106, and passed on peacefully during a jam session with some Shakespearean monkeys.

1 comment:

earthquakeduck said...

thanks man, for that i am.