Saturday, March 06, 2010


Well, the reason that I've not been updating this blog is because I've been busy updating another blog. Tee hee, if you really want to know, make a request in the comments section. Oh, and anonymous commenters will not be entertained.


Anonymous said...

But teacher im the one who requested it

earthquakeduck said...

but i told you anonymous comments will not be entertained!

Anonymous said...

aller..wots ur other blog? your NIECE frm still a fan of yours u know

John said...

Mr Kok, it's John here. Your student last year. The one who always leaves early. Remember? Well, i enjoy reading your blog. Would you give me the permission to view your other blog?

Miss Awesome! said...

teacher teacher!!! i oso want to see!!! plsss... =]

Lyndssey said...

Jluc wants too see ur "other blog"!

earthquakeduck said...

he's seen it.

it's here: